Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Education of Bertrand the Zirk

The second podcast in our series is from Colleen Stanovich. Here Seuss-ian piece, "The Education of Bertrand the Zirk", is a masterfully rhymed children's story. Colleen is a member of the CSUWP.

My Grandmother Has Two Houses

The first podcast in this series comes from the Colorado State University Writing Project. Kyla Carter's piece, My Grandmother Has Two Houses, is an imaginative piece about a child's memory of her grandmother.
Kyla teaches in Fort Collins, Colorado.


This site is to be a place for participants in National Writing Project Summer Institutes to share their writing via podcast. We believe that teachers need audiences for the good work that they're doing in their Summer Institutes at their local writing project sites. This podcast exists to provide them an outlet for all the good stuff.
Participating sites, to begin with, are the Colorado State University Writing Project and the New York City Writing Project.
On the right side of the blog, you'll see a link to the podcast feed. Stick this feed into your podcast aggregator, such as i-Tunes, and you'll be able to listen to all of the content from writing project participants.
Are you a tech liaison or a staff member with a local writing project and you'd like to post your site's content here? E-mail me for more information.